The woman considers going to therapy to have holistic health.

Published June 24, 2024

When it comes to therapy, most people often feel apprehensive. Some may have reasons not to go to it at all. Some are unsure whether their problems hold the weight that makes it worthwhile to seek therapy. Yet, therapy should be as standard as eating nutritious foods, as it can nourish you in multiple ways. 

It is known that 1 in 5 Americans are affected by a mental health condition. All five of them know what it’s like to experience stress, anxiety, and other types of emotional distress. And some of the challenges we face in life will be greater than others. Sometimes, we’ll be able to navigate them on our own or with the help of a supportive friend or loved one. Other times, we could harvest benefits from the assistance of a trusted professional. 

In this article, we’ll explain how you should consider going to therapy. Ultimately, it is all about maintaining your mental health to show up better and live your life. Let’s start. 

What is Psychotherapy?

There are many stigmas surrounding mental illnesses that, fortunately, have shifted in the right direction over the years. Still, many people are hesitant to reveal they could benefit from therapy. 

Contrary to what some think, psychotherapy, more commonly known as talk therapy, isn’t exclusive to those with mental health issues. It can be beneficial for anyone. It is for all ages experiencing challenges and transitions or wanting to improve their life. 

Therapy is a safe, nonjudgmental space where you don’t have to edit thoughts or emotions. It is a place to vent, explore what you are going through, and craft a mental toolbox to handle future challenges. 

Top 10 Reasons to Go to Therapy

1. You’ve been diagnosed with a mental condition. 

If you’re diagnosed with a mental health condition, your mental health provider may recommend therapy in conjunction with medication. 

Medication can alleviate symptoms you may be experiencing. Conversely, therapy helps you work through unhelpful or unwanted thoughts that may impact you. A therapist can help you rule such thoughts and render ways to navigate them so that they don’t harm your life. 

Still, a diagnosis isn’t required to start therapy. A therapist can support you during life’s transitions and provide solutions to help you recover. 

2. You’re easily overwhelmed.

Are little things launching you into a tailspin of emotions or mood swings? Do you go from being irritable to angry or sad? Do you snap at friends or cry at seemingly harmless things? Do extreme emotions make it hard to focus and handle daily functions? 

In this case, you are being emotionally overwhelmed. Experiencing it can be caused by many things and challenging to navigate independently. If it feels like your emotions are controlling you and you can’t respond to them appropriately, therapy may be able to help. 

Therapy can help with unregulated emotions. Here, you can take a step back and uncover the actual triggers of those emotions. You can learn how to combat the fear and panic that may be the root reason. 

3. Therapy is not for “crazy” people. 

You don’t need to go through something especially traumatic to leverage from a therapy session. You also don’t need to be suffering from a mental health condition to realize the positive advantages of talking to someone. 

Therapy is often misunderstood. People are ashamed to admit they go, claim they “aren’t crazy,” and believe it’s only to get them through a certain period of their lives. However, what is true is that going to therapy is good for everyone. 

Nobody is perfect. There is always something you can open up about and share to feel more at peace in your life. 

4. You Experience a significant life event. 

Sometimes, life throws significant life events that may impact our mental health. These may include: 

  • Death of a loved one
  • Loss of a job
  • Divorce
  • Experiencing a traumatic life event 

Grief is a potent emotion that you may have difficulty navigating alone. Speak with your therapist to identify and work through your grief and feelings of loss. 

5. You don’t sense like you’re functioning at 100% or anywhere close to it. 

 All of us can feel sad, angry, or tied, but it doesn’t always interfere with our lives, relationships, or goals. For this reason, a change in our optimal functioning is a red flag that we need help. 

Suppose it’s typically a breeze for you to get up in the mornings or complete your agendas throughout the day, but now it feels like a ton of bricks are on top of you when getting out of bed, or you’re agitated while completing your errands. In that case, it means you’re functioning differently than your baseline. 

These changes in mood or anxiety can impede concentration, decision-making, and even memory, which can then affect our capacity to get things done. Therapy will then help you understand why these changes have occurred and how to get back to functioning more effectively. 

6. You feel stuck 

Therapy may also help when a part of your life feels unfilled, stagnant, or stuck. This can be described as a feeling that you do not feel better even though you strongly desire to feel better emotionally. You might even try out new behaviors to improve yourself, but nothing seems to be working. 

Therapists can help you get unstuck. These professionals will assist in figuring out your goals and any anxieties and fears that may be holding you back. A therapist can help you identify your values and activities that connect you with those values. Furthermore, the program is useful for naming obstacles to joy and achieving guidance for surpassing those obstacles. 

7. You seem to be repeating patterns in your life. 

This is different from feeling stuck. Here, it concerns a specific behavior that you can’t seem to put an end to. It is repeatedly engaging in behavior you know intellectually or rationally isn’t helpful or healthy, yet doing it anyway to your detriment. It also may be professional, personal, or relational. Another related sign is a lack of management in their lives or behaviors. This lack of control also creeps into various areas of one’s life, from substance abuse to relationships to general impulsivity. 

A therapist will help break such patterns and establish new ones. Often, a pattern has roots, contributing triggers, and factors. 

8. It’s easier to talk to a stranger than someone you know.

Talking to your best friend, mom, or sister certainly helps. And while you may think it is enough, it’s not. These people know you. It takes a stranger to unravel an irregular and unhealthy habit in your life. Therapists are professionals who know how to dig deeper. They can come to different conclusions than someone who is passively listening. 

Your friends might sympathize while you cry about a relationship breakup. Yet a licensed therapist will have you see it in a new light. A therapist lets you wrap your head around things that are most likely clueless regarding your friends. 

You should know that your closest allies often carry strong opinions about what you should do in life. However, they can overshadow what you want for yourself internally. A well-supported therapeutic space can hone the freedom to understand personal needs and expectations better. 

9. You learn new things about yourself.

Therapy can help you learn more about yourself. Here, you’ll find enlightenment on your emotional triggers and behavioral patterns and how to manage them in a healthy way. This can be especially vital if you have a hard time managing a particular emotion, like anger, fear, or sadness. 

A therapist will identify your emotional triggers. Along with it, they will craft coping mechanisms for dealing with them. You will also learn how to challenge negative thought patterns and beliefs. This will aid in enhancing your emotional regulation and overall well-being. 

For example, if you tend to bottle up your emotions until they explode, therapy can help you express them more constructively. Suppose you also avoid certain situations because they make you feel anxious. A therapist can help you learn how to gradually expose yourself to them in a safe and controlled way. 

10. You become more self-aware.

It’s crucial to be aware of ourselves, our emotions, problems we refuse to confront, the meaning of our actions, coping mechanisms, and behavioral patterns. 

People often disregard the importance of self-reflectione. As a consequence, they act impulsively; they are using harm to their relationships without considering their own role in the problem. They also don’t pause and reflect on themselves, which might be contributing to issues in their relationships and interactions. 

Therapy forces you to do that. It helps you work through your behavioral patterns to become a better person. Here, you’ll build healthy relationships. It allows you to come to conclusions more easily. Furthermore, you’ll be more at peace with who you are and the people around you. You’ll understand every layer of yourself you’ve been overlooking. 

    Therapy can be a proactive step in maintaining mental health and improving overall quality of life. It can be beneficial for a wide range of reasons, and you don't necessarily need to have a specific reason to seek out this kind of support.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Do I Need Therapy

    1. Should I have a reason to go to therapy?

    Therapy can be a proactive step in maintaining mental health and improving overall quality of life. It can be beneficial for a wide range of reasons, and you don’t necessarily need to have a specific reason to seek out this kind of support. 

    2. At what point do you need therapy? 

    There isn’t a universal point at which someone “needs” therapy. We all differ and experience different circumstances. Yet, here are some indicators that might suggest it could be beneficial to seek therapy. 

    • Persistent feelings of sadness or anxiety
    • Overwhelming stress
    • Loss of interest
    • Withdrawal
    • Changes in sleep or appetite
    • Substance abuse
    • Intrusive thoughts
    • Negative self-talk 
    • Major life changes
    • Trauma

    3. Why should people seek therapy? 

    • Helps manage symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions
    • Emotional regulation
    • Self-awareness
    • Goal setting
    • Stress reduction
    • Promotes the development of healthier coping styles and lifestyle changes
    • Improves communication and conflict resolution skills
    • Helps build and maintain a relationship
    • Adaptation support
    • Grief and loss
    • Healing

    4. Do I need therapy, or am I overreacting? 

    Considering therapy doesn’t mean you’re overreacting. It is instead a sign of self-awareness. Here, you desire to understand better and manage your experiences. 

    The health of our mind rule the health of all other life’s aspects. Therapy aims to maintain our mental health. It’s worth trying for many positive advantages and benefits. 

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    Tracy Gorman Author Image

    Author Tracy Gorman

    I am , an experienced writer dedicated to producing compelling and informative content. With a deep understanding of diverse subjects such as lifestyle, beauty, and wellness, I create valuable articles for everyone.


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